Multiple macros for your chemistry and scientific needs
- InChI macro
- Colour coding for different elements
- Set height and width
- SMILES macro
- Colour coding for different elements
- Set height and width
- 3D Molecule macro
- Full 3D visualisation for PDB files
- Render 3D structure from attached file
- Set height and width
- LaTeX macros
- Inline or block
- Renders LaTeX notation to mathematical & chemical equations
- Support LaTeX and mhchem syntax
- Table from CSV (with Rendering) macro
- Takes an attached CSV
- Renders to table based on the header row
- Renders the following
- InChI format to 2D chemical structures
- LaTeX notation to mathematical & chemical equations
- SMILES format to 2D chemical structures
- web and email links
- markdown format links
- Table sorts on header click
- sort either numeric or alpha numeric, based on cell contents
- rendered links are sorted on the basis of the link text
- wrapping or no wrap on cell contents
- Table from Source (with Rendering) macro
- Takes input from a source
- Renders to table based on the header row
- Renders the following
- InChI format to 2D chemical structures
- LaTeX notation to mathematical & chemical equations
- SMILES format to 2D chemical structures
- web and email links
- markdown format links
- Table sorts on header click
- sort either numeric or alpha numeric, based on cell contents
- rendered links are sorted on the basis of the link text
- wrapping or no wrap on cell contents
- Further macros to follow as requested