Generate HTML emails, Word documents & PDFs from data.
Securely embed your Microsoft 365, SharePoint & OneDrive for Business files in
⚡️ Automate your workflows
Unlimited automations for all account sizes.
File management:
- Simple folder generation – when an item is created, create a folder in SharePoint
- Simple folder generation for subitems – When a subitem is created, create a folder in the configured SharePoint folder for the parent item.
- Templated folder generation – Automatically build project documentation on item creation or status change from templates in SharePoint.
Export to Word, PDF & send HTML emails:
- Templated document generation – Create Word documents and PDFs from templates based on board, item and subitem data (like mail merge)
- Templated HTML email generation – Create slick emails from board data
Excel import and export:
- Import from Excel – Every time period, import rows from Excel as items
- Export board data to Excel – Every time period, export board data to a spreadsheet stored in SharePoint
🔒 Securely embed files & folders from Microsoft 365
- Access your files & folders with permissions from Microsoft 365 respected.
📝 Easily edit your Office files
- Open your files directly from in desktop Word, Excel, PowerPoint apps.
- Updates are automatically saved.
📊 Build dashboards using data from Excel
Display Excel charts & data from Microsoft 365 securely in views, dashboards and workdocs.
🗣️ Multi-language support
- 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇳🇱 🇵🇹
Due to its benefits, low cost, and continuous delivery of new features, we continue to find Microsoft 365 • Automate & Embed by David Simpson Apps to be baseline configuration across all of our PMO solutions.
– Juan Pyco, Managing Director and Founder at SAVVY