David Simpson Apps


Filter/search – a small improvement for Table from CSV

Yesterday we released a small update to Table from CSV which adds filtering functionality to quickly search for matching data in the table.
Filter/Search – Table from CSV

Table from CSV is a content formatting macro which allows you to display the CSV from an attachment as an HTML table within Atlassian Confluence.

A small improvement

Yesterday we released a small update to Table from CSV, which adds filtering functionality to quickly search for matching data in the table.

It’s small improvements like this which, though not mind blowing, hopefully make life just a little easier for our users.

How it works

  • Type into the filter field above the table and only lines with matching text will be displayed.
  • Delete the text and the whole table is displayed once more


Try it out

If you already use Table from CSV, then it will automatically update with the new feature.


→ Try it out for free now

Photo by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash