David Simpson Apps

Looker Studio (Google Data Studio) in Confluence

Embed your Looker Studio & Google Analytics reports in Confluence

Your reports & dashboards in context

Your reports & dashboards in context

Embed your reports in 3 simple steps.


In Looker Studio, select Embed report from the Share menu.


Copy the Embed URL in Looker Studio


In the Confluence editor, paste the embed URL and the Looker Studio report is automatically added to the page.


Easily access a wide variety of data.


Turn your data into compelling stories of data visualization art.

Quickly build interactive reports and dashboards.


Share your reports and dashboards with individuals, teams, or the world.

Collaborate in real time. Embed in Confluence.

  • Access your data from 800+ data sets from over 510 connectors
  • Embed Google Analytics reports — Bring Google Analytics data into Confluence by way of Looker Studio
  • Embed blended datasets — Blend data from several sources and embed the reports in Confluence
  • Embed your own custom data & reports — Use your own data to build your own custom reports for display in Confluence